Gudrun Biffl

Gudrun Biffl

migration research

Books and book contributions

Gudrun Biffl & Philip L. Martin

Integrating Low-Skilled Migrants in the Digital Age: European and US Experience.
Conference Proceedings 2020

Edition Danube University Krems



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Department Migration and Globalization
Report on the Origins and Progress
2008 to 2017

Gudrun Biffl

This report provides insight into the origins and the development of the Department of Migration and Globalization at the Danube University Krems between 2008 and 2017. It is dedicated to those who have contributed to its implementation, its growth and reputation.


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Migration and Integration: Austrian and California Experiences with Low-Skilled Migrants.

Gudrun Biffl & Philip L. Martin (2018)

Border Crossing, Volume: 8, No: 1, pp. 30-39
ISSN: 2046-4436
e-ISSN: 2046-4444

Joint efforts of police and health authorities to combat trafficking in human beings.
Handbook for professionals at the interface of police & health authorities

Gudrun Biffl, Thomas Pfeffer, Aga Trnka-Kwiecinski

Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) is modern-day slavery. It is a serious crime and a violation of human rights. Almost every country in the world is witness to this crime, either as a source, transition or destination country of victims of THB - or a combination thereof. In view of the severity of the crime the European Union (EU) has established a number of initiatives, measures and funding programmes to combat THB since the early 1990s.

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More information about the Joint Efforts Project

Migration and Health in Nowhereland
Access of Undocumented Migrants to Work and Health Care in Europe

Gudrun Biffl, Friedrich Altenburg (Hg.)


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